Welcome to Violetsnowgirl's Zone
This is a work in progress, just like my life
A new logo appears!
Feb. 14, 2025
I made a new logo.
I'm still thinking of what the heck I want this site to be. I feel like it has no direction, but I'm sure there's something I can do.
Hope everyone's doing alright. Y'all are awesome :3
Meet Squelga!
Dec. 16, 2024

Sorry for the scant updates, I've been busy with work, and also I don't know what to put here yet.
This is a character I created. Her name is Squelga, and she's a squid! I might draw more images of her sometime.
Hugs for everyone
Nov. 6, 2024
Things are scary. I just wanted to give everyone reading this who is scared about the future a virtual hug. (hugs)
Take care.
Some actual content!
Oct. 10, 2024
I just wrote a story about how I got my Super Nintendo when I was little! Check it out here! You can also find it in the Videro Gaems section.
Well, that was dumb...
Oct. 10, 2024
So... I accidentally the whole website, but I was able to fix it, with the exception of the home page... Here's some helpful advice: If you're editing your website on more than one computer, CLOSE ALL YOUR EDITING TABS WHEN YOU'RE FINISHED EDITING!... I almost lost hours of work, but because I had newer tabs open on my other computer, I was able to save everything with the exception of the home page's updates.